

Automatic Sync for WordPress

Sync your WordPress site with Chat With WP plugin for seamless integration with AI Assistant. Real-time syncing ensures your chatbot, search, and content tools always have the latest information for improved accuracy, personalization, and a seamless customer experience.

Easy synchronization with the Chat With WP WordPress Plugin.
You can choose which post types or pages to sync.
Improved accuracy and relevance of chat conversations, search results, and generated content.
Enhanced personalization for tailored recommendations and interactions.
We make sure that only published data is synced, keeping your drafts or unused data private.
Time-saving solution that eliminates the need for manual verification of data.
Accurate and personalized experiences that amaze customers.
Ai Chat

AI Chat improves WordPress sites with personalized user experience, understanding of user intent, fast navigation, shopping assistance, customer support, and multilingual support. It's an invaluable addition for businesses seeking to improve customer experience and gain insights.

It’s powered by ChatGPT from OpenAI and can provide personalized responses to users based on their needs and preferences.
It can assist users in navigating the website and providing links to relevant pages.
It's invaluable for providing real-time support during the shopping process on e-commerce sites.
It serves as an always-available customer support agent for WordPress sites.
It can understand and respond in 100+ languages, removing language barriers.
It can incorporate external data sources beyond just your site's content.
It's customizable, allowing you to tailor the floating action button's text and appearance to match your website's branding.
Ai Semantic Search

AI semantic search is a powerful technology that enhances search on WordPress sites. It uses natural language and context to improve the search experience. It can integrate data from external sources, supports over 100+ languages, and can be easily added to your WordPress site using shortcodes.

AI semantic search understands natural language and user intent.
It takes into account context to provide refined search results.
AI semantic search powers site search and returns results from all content.
External data can be incorporated into AI semantic search.
AI Search can be easily integrated into WordPress sites using shortcodes.
Style of search fields and buttons can be customized to match branding.
Multilingual support is provided for over 100+ languages.
AI tools for writing & images

Chat With WP uses AI to simplify and improve content creation and optimization on WordPress sites. The AI can generate content ideas and drafts, analyze external data, create images, proofread, summarize and translate. It also helps with content optimization and marketing campaigns. This all-in-one tool saves time, effort, and resources while producing high-quality, engaging and search-friendly content at scale.

AI analyzes existing content, identifies gaps and opportunities, and suggests topics to write on next.
AI can generate complete article outlines on given topics.
AI can automatically generate custom visuals that align with written content.
AI can scan writing for grammar, spelling, and style errors and provide suggested corrections.
AI can create summaries of lengthy content and provide full translations to support an international audience.
AI can optimize content for better search visibility and ranking.
AI can adapt content for marketing campaigns.
Customization to fit your theme

Chat With WP offers theming options, including light and dark modes, preset color themes, and customizable AI Chat and AI Search elements. These options allow you to create an engaging, on-brand experience for visitors interacting with the chatbot or searching the site.

Provides both light and dark modes.
Offers multiple color themes to choose from.
Allows for customization options for AI Chat elements.
Allows for customization options for AI Search elements.
Allows for the addition of personalized greeting and input placeholder text when the chat window is opened.
Theming creates a cohesive, branded experience for visitors interacting with the chatbot or searching the site.
Custom CSS support for advanced customization and fine-tuning of visual elements.
Multilingual support

Multilingual support on your website is crucial for wider audience reach and inclusivity. Chat With WP offers communication in over 100 languages, providing accurate answers and a great experience for visitors worldwide. This leads to higher satisfaction, more sales, and greater brand loyalty from diverse groups.

All Chat With WP AI powered tools are multilingual.
AI Assistant can communicate in over 100 languages.
We use multilingual embeddings for your content to achieve better multilingual results.
AI uses advanced natural language processing to accurately understand and respond to visitors' questions.
Language detection and translation process happens seamlessly behind-the-scenes.
Multilingual support expands your reach and increases engagement with international visitors.
Adding multilingual conversational experiences to your WordPress site is effortless and can help you unlock your global potential.
External data sources

To enhance your AI Assistant, use external data sources like webpages and PDFs. Private sources can expand your AI's knowledge and reveal content opportunities, while public sources can connect visitors with relevant resources and provide supplementary information. PDFs can also enrich your AI's content generation capabilities and offer engaging long-form content beyond your site.

External data sources can greatly enhance the capabilities of your AI Assistant.
Webpages and/or PDF documents can serve as external data sources.
Webpages and/or PDFs can be configured as either private or public sources.
Private sources expand AI's knowledge base without granting access to site visitors.
Public sources connect visitors with highly relevant resources and provide supplementary information.
Private sources enrich AI's content generation capabilities.
Public sources provide users with engaging content beyond what exists on your site alone.

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